Connecting Real World People to the Internet Without AR Glasses

Have you ever thought, "I wonder who that person is. I wonder what kind of person he is." when you see someone wearing unique clothes on the train?

Or, have you ever thought, "I want people to know more about me. I want people who are interested in me to know my hobbies and what I'm good at."?

TagMe is an app that fulfills your wishes. You can think of it as an app that can link real-world people to the Internet without AR glasses.

How TagMe works

The mechanism of TagMe is surprisingly simple.

You can create your profile without registration, and you can easily create your profile.

This profile is associated with a unique QR code called the TagMe code, and people who use TagMe can make their information available to others by displaying their QR code somewhere.

TagMe adds "additional information" to real-world people

The philosophy of TagMe is simple: to allow each person walking the streets to add the "additional information" they desire.

For example, if you use TagMe, your profile may include things you like, things you're good at, things you're interested in, and your SNS account.

And even if you're not using TagMe (you haven't put your profile on TagMe), people who find your QR code can learn about you.

TagMe is an app that "makes something happen where nothing happens"

Even if you walk through Shibuya's scramble crossing and pass by hundreds of people in a few minutes, in today's society, you probably won't have any encounters, discoveries, or troubles.

However, if you display TagMe on your T-shirt, bag, smartphone case, key holder, or other prominent places, some people may subtly point their smartphone cameras at you without you noticing.

By reading your profile, you may receive a job offer you've been waiting for, or you may make friends who sympathize with your hobbies.

TagMe is an app that "makes something happen where nothing happens."

Please use TagMe to make something new happen in your life.